4 sep 2007

Lotus script: user in groups

Een lekker stukje code van Julian Robichaux:

Sub Initialize
'** Determine the groups that the current user is in, including
'** all nested groups
On Error Goto processError
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim serverName As String
Dim userName As String
Dim groupList As Variant
serverName = "MyNABServer"
userName = session.UserName
Set db = session.GetDatabase( serverName, "names.nsf" )
Set view = db.GetView( "Groups" )
'** create a text file for output
fileNum% = Freefile()
fileName$ = "C:\UserGroupInfo.txt"
Open fileName$ For Output As fileNum%
Print #fileNum%, "User Group Info for " & userName & " on " & serverName
Print #fileNum%, ""
'** get the group information
Call GetGroups( userName, view, "", 0, fileNum% )
'** close the file and exit
Close fileNum%
Exit Sub
Messagebox "Error " & Cstr(Err) & ": " & Error$
Exit Sub
End Sub
Function GetGroups (lookupName As String, groupView As NotesView, alreadyUsed As
String, _
indentLevel As Integer, fileNum As Integer)
'** This sub will recursively iterate through all the groups in the NAB,
'** figuring out which ones the given user or group is in.
On Error Goto processError
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim memberItem As NotesItem
Dim groupName As String
Dim tabString As String
'** use tabString to indent the entry, indicating that a group is a
'** member of the group below it
For i% = 1 To indentLevel
tabString = tabString & Chr(9)
The [unfinished] LotusScript Book Page 149 of 156
by Julian Robichaux
'** step through the group documents in the NAB that we're looking at
Set doc = groupView.GetFirstDocument
Do While Not (doc Is Nothing)
Set memberItem = doc.GetFirstItem( "Members" )
groupName = doc.ListName(0)
'** Check for direct inclusion in a group. If the lookup name is
'** in the Members text list and we haven't already used the group
'** (if we did, it will be in the alreadyUsed string, and would
'** represent a circular reference), output the group name to our
'** file and recurse
If (memberItem.Contains( lookupName )) And (Instr(1, alreadyUsed, "~" & groupName
& "~", 5) < 1) Then
Print #fileNum%, tabString & groupName
'** recursion will find other groups that this group is
'** a member of
Call GetGroups( groupName, groupView, alreadyUsed & "~" & groupName & "~",
indentLevel + 1, fileNum )
End If
Set doc = groupView.GetNextDocument( doc )
Exit Function
Print #fileNum%, "Error " & Cstr(Err) & ": " & Error$
Exit Function
End Function

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